Hi!!! I'm basically a movie, food, travel, music, and drama lover all in one...

Iron Man 2

Venue: MBO Melaka Mall
Date: 29 April 2010
Time: 6.15pm

Company: Arul n her sis

The movie that we have been waiting to come out.... like any other sequel, it does not live up to its expectation... i guess... although i must say that the high tech really does turn me on.. hahha...

I did not come in late to the cinema, but somehow i noticed a scene that was in the trailer was missing in the whole movie.. weird.. the scene where his assistant (Gwyneth Paltrow) kisses his helmet right before he took a plunge out the airplane... if anyone saw the movie and noticed the scene though, please do tell... huhuu

as that was the first screening of the movie in MBO, u can guess that the hall was packed almost full.. since i came with Arul and her sis, i had to take a seat almost near the upper end of the hall (not my favourite place to be) it was okay though, but the screen did seem a bit small from that far... there was a family who brought a baby along infront, and kept passing the baby back and forth from the front seat to 2 seats in front... but thankfully, the baby didn't cry at all or i would have had to be a lil evil... hehehee...

Overall, it was quite an enjoyable movie... quite unbelievable in the tech n science theories, but it IS a movie after all... to be taken to some place you may never go, that is what i have always imagine the movies that i watched do to me... they take me where i cannot go.. no matter physically, mentally, psychologically, socially, or even technology wise... :P

for those who have watched Iron Man, the logical step is to watch this movie no matter what the critics have to say about it... that's what i think at least... why let someone else opinions get to your head?? experience it yourself and then make up your mind.. no two minds think alike right??

Have fun! though u might want to wait a bit until the crowd subside on this one since watching a movie with a lot of distractions is not the way to go... :P

When In Rome

Venue: MBO Melaka Mall

Date: 27/4/2010

Time: 7.15pm

Company: Arul

I regretted not watching this movie earlier... it was SUPER funny!!!! and as the hall of MBO cinema is always near empty, only my laughter and maybe another one or two person are heard above the sounds form the speaker... huhuu...

the storyline was bit confusing and making us guess leading to the end of the movie, but it was all worth it! :P

even minor characters made an impact on screen although they only appear merely seconds... the character that i felt was the funniest= the magicians helper with the camera!! (you'll know what i'm talking about if you watch it..)

and the ticket was only RM7 each... maybe because the movie has been on for quite some time...

and i think Josh Duhamel could not get any hotter than in 'Las Vegas' but he did!! in this movie, he appeared more romantic and sweet though... :) i want the pic of him in the movie though... super HOT...

this is not really a movie just for the romantic at heart... also for those looking for a good belly laugh after a bad day... or just for having fun with friends.... :P

Kick A**

Venue: MBO Melaka Mall
Time: 1.45pm
Company: popcorn n pepsi :P

I was in a hurry for this one as it was already 1.45pm by the time. Bought popcorn set with pepsi.... yeah, i cheated on my diet! hahaa...

I had a choice to see either this or When In Rome actually, but seeing the 18SG rating, i thought this would be more fun to watch alone, and When In Rome is a romantic story, so I'll save that one for later. As the rating suggests, this movie is no usual comic book adaptation.... personally, it's even more gruesome than any comic book adaptation ever, even Dark Knight!

After just about 5 minutes into the movie, I was already greeted by a shocking scene... huhuu.. suspense for you guys okay? The whole movie was very enjoyable though... there's a bit of teenage romance, a touch of humanity, and a damn lot of actions and blood! The ending does suggest there might be a sequel... so I'll definitely be waiting eagerly to watch it if it ever came to be... :)

Definitely go watch!!!!! Only if you're over 18 though, and not pregnant, and don't have a high risk of getting heart attack....



i went to watch kick-ass again yesterday with Arul... it IS a very entertaining movie!

on to some points that i missed on the first review... the soundtrack for this movie is f***ing awesome! the sounds might not blend right with each other if you listen to it all, but its surprisingly a perfect fit for each of its scene's... and this movie does give you the pit feeling in your stomach at the end.... now i just wish that the board of censoring in Malaysia is not so harsh.... it's already a 18SG movie, why still censor many scenes?? just make it a 18PL than... it has already been censored overseas you know.... hmmm... i need to find the uncensored version!!!


Semerah Cinta Stiletto (Love as Red as Stiletto)

It's been long since i saw a Malay movie... :P

Venue: MBO Melaka Mall
Time: 7.00pm
Date: 14/04/2010
Company: none
Payment Method: MBO membership card!!!

atlast i made the MBO membership card! :D

huhuu... it functions like a TnG card... just reload for credit, and u can buy tickets without queing from a machine, and there's even a VIP waiting area~~~ :P

anyway, the movie was OK, funny, but the storyline is typical and quite lame... sometimes the comedic performance is a little over done, could be toned down a bit, as it sometimes gets annoying!

anyway, other than that, a Cinderella-like movie for happy endings lovers! :P

sensible and a good quality for a local film... not bad

Date Night!


Venue: MBO Melaka Mall
Time: 5.15pm
Date: 12/04/2010
Company: Arul

went shoe shopping (bought a new BUM sneakers) n after that, the usual movie dose with Arul... huhuu.... i actually wanted to make a membership card with MBO just now, but there's a technical problem, so that intention had to be postponed~

so.. we arrived quite early, went walking n eating dripping hot chocolate waffles until the movie screening time...

then bought 2 cold mineral water (both on a diet??) and small popcorn (weird for me!!) n off we went...

btw, this movie was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was super hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!! me and Arul couldn't stop laughing in the hall... luckily there was almost no one.. or reali no one? else in the cinema.... huhuu

it also has a bit of a reference to this old movie i saw a few weeks back on tv2.... The Goodfellas!!!!!!! yes, that's it... the actor Ray Liotta who played Henry Hill in that movie made on the year i was born (1990 :P) had quite a similar mafia gangster head role in this movie, making me nostalgic~~ huhu... *but his face looks sooo botox!! haha*

anyway, anyone up for a good coming from the belly laugh, this is the answer to ur problems!!! especially anyone just coming out from any major exams! enjoy~~~


Shokojo Seira

alternate title= A Little Princess

Quite a turn from mostly the love stories that i have been watching lately... this is a drama though... and it has been quite long also since the last time i saw a japanese drama... haha... movies are easier, coz they would end in about 2 hours!!! :P

anyway, this drama is an adaptation from an english movie (a classic, old one that i remember watching like a distant memory~)... the storyline was alomost the same, except it was given a little japanese twist, and a teenage romance :D (yes, this is actually the reason i seek out this drama to watch)... I haven't finished watching it though, coz its soo hard to find videos in the net anymore, especially since Veoh is no longer available in Malaysia ( i wonder WHO made that happen???)

gonna be super and hyper frustrated in a few coming days since i'll be itching to finish watching this drama~~ :P

Don't Laugh At My Romance

hahhahahaha...... funny title.. the alternate is = Sex Is No Laughing Matter!!!

but apart from the title, the rest was not that funny.... emotionally strong, touches a lot of sensitive issues.... like loving a friend, one sided love, an affair with someone's wife, a young man with a much older woman, a love triangle??(i think it more... like 4 or 5 sides..),and many more... :P

46 Billion Years of Love

My obsession to Japanese has kicked back in!!! hehhee.... this movie's alternate title is 'Big Bang Love'.... very2 strong... very artistic?? also have lots of confusion on the time setting part... it keeps on going back and forth between past, present and future... but when you're the kind of person that enjoys a good movie, a good art.... this is definitely for you! haha... that's me i guess... the love in this movie was just too strong for anyone to understand, hence the title... i guess what this movie is trying to portray is too much love in that one instant... just that one hug... that hand that wipes away your tears... in that few seconds, billions of love was poured.... for these two characters who is in prison for murder, a love like that seems surreal for them to achieve, but they did far better than just normal romance... they had a LOVE that last, well, billions of years later.... :)

its movies like this that makes me want a love like that too... huh... :P

Cyborg Girl

haha.... i have this sudden spur of obsession to watch japanese movies.... :P

This movie is a bit twisted in terms of time setting... there's 2 different heroins actually, but that part was not explained that well.... i was a bit confused at the ending.... I LOVE Keisuke Koide though.... he's such a cutie... and he can act really2 good too... huhuu :P and oh, the girl plating the cyborg is Haruka Ayase...

watch!!! super funny and touching at the same time... hehehee

Clash Of The Titans

I swore to myself i wouldn't watch this movie, but here i am, writing a review on this very movie... hahaha... funny how fate comes and bites you in the a** right?? :P

Venue: MBO Melaka Mall
Date: last night (4/4/2010)
Time: 10.45pm(screening)

As usual, i was on the way back home... this time it was not from class though (i dont have class on sundays), i was back from watching a chinese orchestra concert at my uni.... it was around 10.30 at the time... i dropped off Arul to her house, and off i went... and like usual, i dont really plan to go watch a movie, my instincst just guided me.... haha...

well, for that a movie that i swore im not gonna watch, it was okay.... the stupid 'zeus' wearing the more stupid shiny suit was still = STUPID.... but the storyline was not that bad... the graphics (aside from that shiny suit) was good... the action was also good... the romance is unsatisfactory though... haha... oh yeah, there's a Queen Cassiopeia?? i remembered my best friend's fan group of DBSK was named that= Cassiopeia... hahhaa... the queen was evil though... but dont worry, she died pretty quick(sorry!! spoiler!) hahah... the rest was okay... not that much sof my time rather than me sitting at home infront of this batbook.... huhuu..

if this kind of movie interests you, go ahead... but other than absolutely accidental, i dont advice the others to watch this one.. :P i know, im soo evil right? :)

p.s- other than this movie, there was only 'how to train your dragon'... and like posted here a few days ago, i already watched that....

Someday- Rob Thomas

You can go
You can start all over again
You can try to find a way to make another day go by
You can hide
Hold all your feelings inside
You can try to carry on when all you want to do is cry

And maybe someday
We'll figure all this out
Try to put an end to all our doubt
Try to find a way to make things better now and
Maybe someday we'll live our lives out loud
We'll be better off somehow

Now wait
And try to find another mistake
If you throw it all away then maybe you can change your mind
You can run, oh
And when everything is over and done
You can shine a little light on everything around you
Man it's good to be so warm


And I don't want to wait
I just want to know
I just want to hear you tell me so
Give it to me straight
Tell it to me slow

Cause maybe someday
We'll figure all this out
We'll put an end to all our doubt
Try to find a way to just feel better now and
Maybe someday we'll live our lives out loud
We'll be better off somehow

Cause sometimes we don't really notice
Just how good it can get
So maybe we should start all over
Start all over again

another one of those that can't stop haunting me... making me run in circles just to find it, and now its stuck! haha :P

How To Train Your Dragon

Venue: MBO Melaka Mall
Date: 31/03/2010
Company: ~Arul~

After class finish at 5pm, I went with Arul to Melaka Mall in hopes of catching a good movie before 8.30pm where i have an event that night. We were in luck as 'How To Train Your Dragon' was right on time with our schedule, or mora like, right on time with our arrival!! Lucky! It turns out that Arul didn't know that the movie was an animation! haha...

But it was enjoyable, and even a little surprising, in a good way! :D

even after watching the trailer lots of times, the movie still manages to surprise me! Not just for kids... its super fun for all, even those who doesn't like animations usually, like Arul... :P

Laughed a lot! Fun3x... definitely watch it!!!! hehehhe... :P
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