Hi!!! I'm basically a movie, food, travel, music, and drama lover all in one...


Valentine's Day

venue: GSC Dataran Pahlawan

At last i got to watch 'Valentine's day' even if I'm alone~~ The movie was not the mushy2 kind i thought it would be... instead, its more mellow, and flowing smoothly like a fountain.. the star cast didn't outshine the storyline at all ( i thought it would.. since there's too much distraction??) there's no definite main character in it, as all the characters are equally covered and developed just nice for the 2 hours length. I laughed a bit... and to my surprise, i only shed a train of tears.. not much at all for me.. as i usually am quite sensitive and easily cry during movies...

All in, its a nice watch either you're with a lover, best friends, family, or alone!


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