Hi!!! I'm basically a movie, food, travel, music, and drama lover all in one...

The Way Home

I had been on a long hiatus of watching movies in the cinema and I decided to go watch a serious movie alone... this one caught my eye, or more accurate is that it's the only one that looks good and serious enough that none of my friends would want to accompany me watch it.. :P

The Way Back is a movie that was made so meticulously and so dear to the original settings that you can't even believe it had a star studded cast. They were ALL in shambles since this movie is set in the time of communism and world war. Even the dashingly handsome Colin Farrel looked like a thug, and a disgusting one at that. Saoirse's performance was good, better than in The Lovely Bones, which was already a great performance from her. Jim Sturges was stunning, both in performance and in looks.... I almost forgot him after his performance in 21, and this just means to me that he will be here not just yesterday or today, but in the days to come as one amazing acting talent in Hollywood. Ed Harris was, well, Ed Harris! 

Such a beautiful story told in such precision and detail that it reminds me why I love this movie genre... because of it's ability to move hearts without having too many lines or sound effects.. :P

*not for everyone though!*


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